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Metrix Learning
That's right! New York State has partnered with Coursera to offer online learning for free. That's access to nearly 4,000 programs for qualified individuals. Courses range from business, technology, personal development, and the humanities. Guided projects, courses, certifications are all available at no cost to the individual. Please note that degree programs are not a part of the Coursera-New York State plan and are not available. To sign up for Coursera and to check your eligibility, click here.
Coursera for Veterans
There is now a veterans program in Coursera with collections of courses tailored to help veterans transfer their skill sets to civilian jobs. To enroll in these Coursera programs, complete the veterans Coursera registration on the Department of Labor website at
WIOA training opportunities
WIOA Training Opportunities
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. Cayuga Works Career Center and Cortland Works Career Center administer the WIOA training grant and can supply funding for education or training for in-demand occupations. As this is a government funded grant, there are certain qualifiers to receive funding. For example, the training must through an eligible training provider.
Please note that as a government program there is a process you must complete, documentation to be collected, and items to which you must comply. Therefore, leave yourself enough time before classes begin to complete the process and be willing to fully commit to the program.
For more information and to see if you may qualify, call Cayuga Works Career Center or Cortland Works Career Center.

On job train
On The Job Training
On the Job Training is a collaborative program between employer, employee and the Career Center. The program allows you to learn while you earn. It is designed to help you improve skills, move up the career ladder, and/or secure a full time position. On the Job Training is for occupations where classroom training is not available or not appropriate, and for specific jobs skills that can be learned while engaged in productive work.
The training must be completed within six months, and the individual retained for a full time position. An added bonus for employers: We subsidize some of the employees' wages!
Think you might be a candidate? Talk to your employer and have them contact their local Career Center for more information.
We are holding limited in person workshops at this time! Check out the availability below!

Explore Virtual Workshops Available Free Through NYSDOL!
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