Job Tips
Summer Program
The Summer Youth Employment & Training Program (SYEP) is for eligible 14 to 20 year old youth that are looking to:
Earn extra money through work and incentives
Get work experience through a real job
Learn skills needed to succeed in career and life
Our ideal candidates have:
A willingness to work hard
A willingness to learn and observe
A willingness to go the extra mile
The ability to follow instruction
A positive outlook
In addition to working, you may also undergo some valuable classroom activities.
Program eligibility is based on income. Income guidelines are established by the Federal government are listed below.
Your first step to participating in the program is to fill out an application and gather the needed documents.
You will need working papers if you are under the age of 18. Get them from your school's guidance office.
Applications OPEN for SYEP 2024
Cayuga County Application
Send inquiries to:
Please read the instructions for reporting income carefully. We sometimes have more applicants than we have funding to hire. When this happens, we are required to serve specific priority groups, according to state and federal laws. Please make sure that your application accurately reflects your status.
The application and required documents due date for 2024 will be announced.
After your application and documents are received, you will undergo an interview with program staff.
Your best chances of getting a job are by completing and returning required materials on time, attending and participating in the interview workshop, and making a good impression at the interview. A positive attitude is a must!

Federal Income Guidelines
Eligibility for summer employment is based only on family income guidelines established by the Federal government. Annual gross income levels for eligibility are listed below.

Year Round Youth Program
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) allows Career Centers to assist eligible in-school and out-of-school youth between the ages of 16-24 with targeted workforce development activities. The WIOA program in partnership with the Career Centers is designed to support eligible youth in the development of real life skills for success in the workforce.
What we offer
Individual career counseling to determine what type of career you would like to pursue. We focus on in-demand occupations to ensure excellent employment prospects.
Evaluation of current skills and education to help you identify careers and training programs that will suit your needs and abilities
Tutoring services for basic skills development, including GED preparation, on site or in the community
Financial literacy and pre-employment skills development
Work experiences to help you develop real-world skills and experience
Support for short-term educational programs, including BOCES and local community colleges
Connections to community agencies that provide services you need and desire
What we expect
·A strong commitment to success
Consistent communication with youth counselors
Full participation in any services you choose to take advantage of
Attendance at scheduled appointments and workshops
A positive, determined attitude
Willingness to explore opportunities and experiences that will help open doors to a fulfilling career
To find out if you qualify for our year round program, contact your local career center and ask to speak with a youth specialist.
Cayuga Year-Round Youth Application (Coming Soon)
Note: You will need working papers if you are under the age of 18. Get them from your school's guidance office.

Career Exploration
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Most of us have been asked that question, and some of us have had a ready answer. However, many don't have an answer. As you reach high school that can become frustrating and stressful as that question becomes more serious, and we struggled to find an answer. Know this: You're not alone, and we can help.
Our career counselors know all about career exploration and what it's like to feel like you're making a decision that can impact the rest of your life. We can guide you to the right path and make a plan.
To get you started, consider making an appointment with one our specialists.
Want to learn more on your own? Explore the following sites and articles: